About US

polynesian t shirts

Kia Orana & welcome to DNJ Designs

A brand created out of a humble family home in Matavera, Rarotonga, where good old pencil and paper, met an Island boy’s eye for detail.

Meet Davey Sila, a son, brother, husband and father to a 3 year old. Davey is the creator of DNJ Designs, and artist behind the unique freehand designs you see on our clothing.

Davey’s lifelong dream was to create a clothing brand inspired by Polynesian motifs and symbols. This dream became a reality after the birth of his son, who was born at a time where working from home, prioritising family time, and following your passion, just made sense.

Featured Products

The final product you see, is the result of one man’s hand work, no middle man, just Davey in his garage, working when his son is either preoccupied, or asleep. This ensures that each clothing produced, has received our DNJ Designs tick of approval.

cook islands

Cook Islands



the bat DNJ design

The Bat

s design

S Design

Fashioning Cultural Pride

Our hope is that when you wear DNJ Designs, you will not only feel the quality of our clothing, but also proudly wear a product that expresses cultural pride, offers a sense of belonging, and above all, encourages you to follow your dreams, because you never know whose watching.

Meitaki Maata for your support!

auckland t shirt designers

Drop Me a Line

We would love to hear from you! Whether you have a question, feedback, please feel free to reach out to us through the contact form by clicking the button below, and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible. Your satisfaction is our priority, and we look forward to connecting with you.